THANK YOU!! We may be the ones who came up with the idea – but you’re the ones who made it happen. Those who were present as well as those who donated from a distance. The amount collected was over 50% higher than we had set to achieve and we’re happy to have been able to make a donation of 3091 euros

There’s a long list of extraordinary people who worked incredibly hard to help us. Once again a huge thank you to: Claude, Sonja, Eija, Eva, Ann, Nick&Petra, Eeva, Fred, Alva, Jacqueline – and of course Gabi & Neil & Marco for the music, the local producers and businesses for their donations! You’re all pure gold! 


While we take joy in the advancing spring, the surrounding nature waking up and the sun shining bright on us, we are deeply saddened by the situation in Ukraine. 

The need to help people in horrid circumstances so close to us is present every day. Although we are a small business and our means are limited, as Helen Keller wisely once said: 

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”

This is why we invite you, dear friends, neighbours and partners, to a

a charity event on
SATURDAY 19.3.2022 at 18 in The Happy Hamlet. 

100% of the dinner ticket sales will be donated to World Central Kitchen (*). We are very fortunate to have wonderful local producers around us who want to provide fresh produce donations as well as wines for the event. The rest that needs to be bought will be on us. Claude, our neighbour and a master chef from the restaurant “Au P’tit Moissac” has offered to make his magic with us in our kitchen. 

A warm welcome to a tasty get-together in a friendly ambiance to support fellow-Europeans!

Price of a ticket is 30 euros and the places are limited to 50 guests. Please book now by email (or 06 72 40 75 95 / Nico), spread the word around and bring your family or a friend!

We aim to reach 2000 euros which means that those of you who would like to make an additional donation are welcome to do so during the evening. If you cannot join but would like to donate, please contact us for more information on how to buy your “Virtual ticket for support” (or make a direct donation to or any other organisation you find the most suitable). And feel free to share the link of this page!

We wish you all a week full of hope – and a week that restores peace in Ukraine. 

Suska & Nico & the whole Hamlet family

* serves today thousands of fresh meals to Ukrainian families fleeing home as well as those who remain in the country. They operate all over the world providing meals in response to humanitarian, climate, and community crises. “You see, food relief is not just a meal that keeps hunger away. It’s a plate of hope. It tells you in your darkest hour that someone, somewhere, cares about you.” – José Andrés, founder of WCK